PRO USER 2,200 Psi Pressure Washer Complete Pump Face for Blue Pressure Washer - NEW
Pump face for Pro User PW55 Blue pressure washer.
These pump faces crack for 3 reasons.
1. The pump if left running for more than two minutes without the lance being used heats the water inside the pump to boiling point. If the lance is then released the hot water that was in the pump chamber leaves through the lance and replaced by cold water. This cold water cools the pump body to quickly and causes the aluminium pump to contract to quickly against the brass Allen bolts and can cause this cracking.
2. Pressure relief valve faulty. Either the top seal on the pressure has come out of it groove causing the valve to stuck and not working. This excess pressure can also crack the pump body. (The seal can come away from its groove when the engine is over revved).
3. A pressure relief valve fault due to over revving of the engine. The valve can be twisted and not in true straight line causing it to stick and not operate.
If changing the pump face it is also recommended to change the pressure relief valve at the same time. The pressure relief valve is included in one of the pump parts on this model.
Please look at the following pictures to help you to decide if this is the correct pump for you. You pressure washer should be blue in colour with a 5.5hp engine. Look at the picture of the pump and the pressure washer just to make sure.
If you still not sure then remove you pump from the engine and if its a keyway shaft drive engine then this is the pump you need.
RRP - £89.99